Joy of Later Life Sex

Joy of Later Life Sex

Joy of Later Life Sex


Only 20% of people think society is ok talking about sex in later life. It’s time to break that age-old taboo!

Relate NI has teamed up with colleagues from across the UK and renowned British photographer, Rankin, to shine a spotlight on the often unseen but important topic of sex and intimacy in our later years. This is integral to our wellbeing as we age, in a new campaign: Let’s Talk the Joy of Later Life Sex.

The Campaign: Joy of Later Life Sex

Capturing intimate moments of five older couples and one woman, the team aimed to illustrate what sex and intimacy can mean in later life in a ground-breaking manner. This initiative seeks to tackle the stigma around this unspoken subject and enhances wellbeing among aging individuals.

A 3Gem market research poll found that only 20% of people believe society accepts discussing sex and intimacy among those over 60.

Confronting the Taboo

Most people (60%) over 65 aren’t comfortable discussing sex, citing embarrassment as the top reason (66%).This was followed by, ‘it just wasn’t talked about when I was younger’ (64%), not wanting to make others uncomfortable (63%), not knowing when to bring it up (58%) and lack of confidence (57%).

It’s time to break that taboo!

Good relationships are crucial for health and wellbeing throughout our lives. Healthy relationships impact wellbeing more as we age, especially for those who spend more time at home

Importance of Healthy Relationships

Research shows that people in good quality relationships have lower blood pressure than those in poorer relationships. Close couple relationships can slow the decline rate in people with dementia and delay hospital or care home admission.

The joy of later life sex reaffirms that sexuality doesn’t diminish with age. Sex and intimacy remain essential to healthy couple relationships and their positive effects on wellbeing. Hence, we launched this campaign to dismantle the taboo on sex and intimacy in later life.

Celebrating Intimacy: Joy of Later Life Sex

This campaign champions sex and intimacy in later life, from exploring love to experiencing new adventures. The series of images and videos feature a whole range of older people, from Andrew and Mark who have been together for 31 years, to Chrissie who has had a double mastectomy and her partner Roger, to Daphne and Arthur who still hold hands when they walk.

The people featured are of varying ethnicities, sizes, shapes, and sexualities, aiming to show that we can all feel empowered to think and talk about sex and intimacy as we grow older. Joy of later life sex is not just about physical intimacy but also about emotional and mental well-being.

Rediscovering Joy

Explore the profound perspectives of older adults who redefine the meaning of intimacy in their golden years. In this enlightening video series, individuals share heartfelt insights on how age enhances rather than diminishes the joys of physical connection!

Listen to Billie and Cora as they share their wisdom with a genuine sense of affection, affirming that “sex has nothing to do with age; you accept it as a natural thing in life.”

Fulfilling Intimacy: Chrissie and Roger’s Perspective

Chrissie and Roger share how intimacy has evolved with age, emphasizing how “as I have gotten older, sex has become more a result of great friendship.” Join them as they celebrate deeper connections and enriched experiences, inviting you to reconsider the transformative power of intimacy in later life.

Rekindling Youth: Mark and Andrew’s Journey with Intimacy

Mark and Andrew candidly discuss the rejuvenating aspects of intimacy in their later years, likening the experience to “going back to being a teenager again.”

Cherished Memories: Margaret’s Reflection on Love and Loss

In a poignant reflection, Margaret shares the touching moments with her late husband, reminiscing how he would “never pass by without touching me.” She highlights the importance of creating lasting memories in later years, urging viewers to embrace life fully to avoid loneliness in retirement.

Rediscovering Passion: Lynne and George on Embracing Intimacy in Later Life

Lynne and George share a refreshing take on intimacy in later life, emphasizing how age brings newfound freedom and enjoyment. Join them as they challenge stereotypes and celebrate the uninhibited joy of love, inviting viewers to rethink what it means to embrace intimacy at any age.

Natural Intimacy: Daphne and Arthur’s Perspective

Daphne and Arthur share how age brings natural evolution to intimacy, emphasizing that it’s about sharing everything, not just bodies, inviting viewers to explore deeper connections and lasting love.

Healthy relationships play a big part in how happy we are. Whether you’re facing difficulties, looking to strengthen your relationships, or want help thinking things through – Relate NI have a range of services to help!

For more information on Relate NI Sex Therapy, click here.

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I found the Relationship MOT an excellent method of focusing on how we work as a couple and just as importantly, where we need to work. It was professional, insightful and well worth the time. It has reminded us of how much we have to be proud of in our relationship and why it is so important to occasionally review it with experts.Service Attended Relationship MOT
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I felt the weekly questionnaire, couples with the counsellor's understanding of my needs help contribute to my own understanding of my mental health and needs throughout.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
I loved every session. Our counsellor listened to what we had to say and gave us helpful wee homework - would recommend this service to everybodyService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
Our counsellor was a fantastic support - we now feel strong enough to continue working on our relationship togetherService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
I had a very good counsellor that helped me through a lot and it has made me come out the other side.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
Counselling took us from a bad place to a good one and I would return if neededService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
Been a lifeline to help us fall in love again - forever grateful!Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
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Thank you Relate NI for a good nights sleep.Service Attended Relate NI Kids Counselling
Really enjoyed Relate NI and I'm actually going to miss counselling.  I Found it helpful to find myself again. Very fair and equal within our relationship.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
The counsellor was very pleasant to meet with.  They had the necessary skills to speak and listen when appropriate.  I liked their humour and good personality.Service Attended Family Counselling
Relate NI has helped me move on as well as understand myself and situation more.  My counsellor listened to me, facilitated me and was compassionate!Service Attended Relate NI Teen Counselling
I felt the weekly questionnaire, coupled with counsellor's understanding of my needs helped contribute to my own understanding of my mental health and needs throughoutService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Individuals
We had four funded sessions and cannot express how grateful we are for the help, guidance and knowledge. Our counsellor was incredibly professional, and her experience and obvious passion for helping couples like us was exceptional. She helped us to understand ourselves and each other like we otherwise never would have been able to.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
I have tried counselling many times in the past. This time actually made a difference. I was able to complete online sessions as well as some face to face.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Individuals

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