Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy

Sexual Issues & Relationships

Watch our Sex Guru Anandi in the video above as she answers the most common questions about sex, offering expert insights and advice.

Understanding Sex Therapy: Enhancing Intimacy and Overcoming Challenges

Sex therapy, sometimes known as Psycho-sexual Therapy, can be helpful for couples and individuals aged, 16 and over who have specific sexual concerns arising from their intimate, couple or sexual relationships. Unlike services targeting sex addiction, sex therapy at Relate NI focuses on a diverse array of issues impacting sexual and emotional well-being.


Common Challenges Addressed

Many individuals seek sex therapy due to issues stemming from various difficulties in their sexual, intimate, or couple relationships. These challenges include:

  • Sexual/Intimacy issues
  • Where different partners have differing sex drives
  • Where sex is painful
  • Problems getting aroused or orgasming
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Problems climaxing
  • Vaginismus
  • Lack of body and sexual confidence
  • Changes or deterioration in sex life related to other life triggers and transitions


How Sex Therapy Can Help

At Relate NI, sex therapy offers a structured approach to identifying and exploring these challenges. Through open dialogue and therapeutic techniques, our trained professionals empower clients to address concerns in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. This approach helps individuals and couples gain new perspectives and tools to enhance intimacy and satisfaction in their relationships.


Accessing Sex Therapy Services at Relate NI

Enquiry Form: Fill out the enquiry form located at the bottom of this page.
Phone: Call us at 028 9032 3454 to speak directly with a member of our team.
Email: Contact us via email at for further inquiries.

Seeking sex therapy?

Contact us today to start your journey toward enhanced intimacy and relationship satisfaction.

Introducing a New Partnership: Therapy-Based Programme for Overcoming Compulsive Sexual Behaviours

Relate NI is proud to announce a new collaboration with the non-profit organization, Pivotal Recovery. Together, we now offer an innovative therapy-based programme designed to help individuals overcome issues related to porn addiction, sex addiction, and compulsive sexual behaviours.

Programme Details

Our partnership introduces an affordable and confidential online platform tailored for this purpose. The programme includes:

  • Utilizing therapeutic methods proven effective in addressing compulsive behaviours.
  • Available online, ensuring accessibility and convenience for participants.
  • A safe and anonymous environment to support individuals through their journey.

Through this partnership with Pivotal Recovery, we aim to empower individuals on their path to recovery in a secure and supportive online environment.

“How Relate NI helps people”

I felt the weekly questionnaire, couples with the counsellor's understanding of my needs help contribute to my own understanding of my mental health and needs throughout.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
I had a very good counsellor that helped me through a lot and it has made me come out the other side.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
Been a lifeline to help us fall in love again - forever grateful!Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
Relate NI has helped me move on as well as understand myself and situation more.  My counsellor listened to me, facilitated me and was compassionate!Service Attended Relate NI Teen Counselling
We had four funded sessions and cannot express how grateful we are for the help, guidance and knowledge. Our counsellor was incredibly professional, and her experience and obvious passion for helping couples like us was exceptional. She helped us to understand ourselves and each other like we otherwise never would have been able to.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples

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